
Location-based Augmented Reality Sound Game

Other is a startling alternate reality sound game developed by Quartic Llama / Biome Collective in a unique partnership with the National Theatre of Scotland.  

Other was made through a community-based process, working with local writing, singing and acting groups to generate much of the content in the game. Using sound, interaction and your location in the City, Other distorts the world around you and blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction.  

Other combines the physical and visual atmosphere of the real city of Dundee and its inhabitants, with the sonic atmosphere and interactions of the game, creating a new, unique, and unsettling real world game experience.

Indiecade international festival of Independent Games Nominee 2013

Arts & Business Scotland Digital Innovation Award 2014

A trip to an Other world: Quartic Llama blends gaming and the stage to great effect - Pocket Gamer

5/5 - Brilliant. Totally great experience, really well integrated into the city of Dundee and super engaging!

5/5 - If you are in Dundee and have a iPhone, a love of all things gothic and spooky, and an hour to spare, you simply must download and take the journey. One of the best iPhone experiences I've had.


Malath Abbas - Production & Design

Tom deMajo - Sound & UX Design

Gareth Robinson - Code